Re: DNS: DNS Names

Re: DNS: DNS Names

From: Skeeve Stevens <skeeve§>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 18:37:55 +1100 (EST)
You, Scott Nash, shaped the electrons to say:
+	My name is Scott Nash and a Director of Netpage and Internet Service
+Provider. I read an article in the Financial Review this week on the DNS
+name  "". I was trying to receive information on the new DNS - is it
+the same pricing as unit in Melbourne. How do we apply for them?
+Thank you,

it doesnt exist yet. and may not ever exist.

| Skeeve Stevens - MyInternet    personal.url: |
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| Join the Internet Society of Australia - |
Received on Sat Dec 07 1996 - 19:08:08 UTC

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