Re: DNS: ADNA's first decisions - Minuted

Re: DNS: ADNA's first decisions - Minuted

From: Craig Bishop <csb§>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 10:00:33 +1000
George Michaelson wrote:
> I'd also like to see KRE's comments from source, and not third hand in a
> press statement. I really do think it would clarify things. Will you be
> asking him to comment in some public sense?

I have also heard comments third hand from kre which indicate that
ADNA is way off base with it's current push to be the DNA for .au
and not just

Connect currently operates for Hugh Irvine, in the same way that
Melbourne IT run for kre.

Connect will remain the sole 2LD of until such time as we are
directed by Hugh to change that situation. I would suggest that this
will not happen until ADNA gets public (first hand) support from kre.
And while ADNA persists in in pushing for the whole of .au anyone else
who would like to be a 2LD for is likely to have a long wait.


Craig Bishop - Technical Manager
Received on Fri Jun 27 1997 - 10:44:53 UTC

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