Re: DNS: Issues relating to

Re: DNS: Issues relating to

From: <vicc§>
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 19:52:30 +1000 (EST)
>_From: Simon Hackett
> >well lets write an ad for internation web hosting.
> >
> >Web hosting, 20mb disk space, fast link, but sorry you will have to organise
> >your own domain as the australian dns people wont give you one.
> >
> >I can see this will be condusive to lots of sales.
> >
> Actually, no, try:
> Web hosting, huge available disk space, fast link, any domain names
> organised as required.
> You're missing the point, it seems, that domain names are unrelated to
> geography. Nothing stops a server running in Oz with a .COM address, and
> indeed many many do. Nothing stops a server running with a .COM.AU address
> but physically in the USA, and (again) many actually do, really, do that too.

if they are so unrelated to geography why cant overseas companies get a name?
the fac tis they are not and we with any honest tell companies we can arrange a domain
name for you in australia when we cant.

Received on Thu May 07 1998 - 21:36:11 UTC

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