Re: DNS: Prospective new domains ( & (

Re: DNS: Prospective new domains ( & (

From: <vicc§>
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 22:05:15 +1000 (EST)
>_From: Rick Welykochy
> Given the above, which isn't so hard to understand, and hardly
> deserving of the draconian criticism seen on this and other lists,
> I fail to comprehend why the AlterNIC'ers and others constantly
> deride the rules. Has anyone seen the mess within .com?

and what possible mess might you be refering to? 30 minute turnaround?
no up front fees, etc?  user sget the names they prefer. I can see how
keeping the end user happy is a mess. NOT.

Received on Mon May 18 1998 - 21:30:34 UTC

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