Re: DNS: [Oz-ISP] Social Engineering and 2LDs]

Re: DNS: [Oz-ISP] Social Engineering and 2LDs]

From: Alastair Waddell <awaddell§>
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 15:27:32 +1000
Simon, let me quickly diffuse your concern by clarifying my
meaning. I mean that I'm aware of these being provided as
alternatives to subdomains of .au

Also, if I've been hasty with the choices I indeed pulled out of
the air, then I apologise. I also, and I think I clarified this
in my original posting, don't mean to point the finger at anyone,
however it's inevitable that one of these 'alternatives' be used
by way of example. I have (or - I forget), but
it's a less pertinent example. 

Thanks for your clarification that you will, in all likelyhood,
redelegate. Would you care to put forward an opinion about: 

o registrars that won't redelegate and who don't caution their
  clients about this whilst at the same time promoting their
  domain as a viable alternative to (and etc. 

o whether this is significant enough of an issue, given the
  concerns I've put forward in my last and my original posting
  (viz excluding my foolish retort to Adam), to justify some kind
  of imposed standard or code of conduct.

I believe with conviction, that this is a consumer concern of
significant and increasing proportions. It has a consumer
dimension and a relevance to the interests of competing isps who
'do the right thing'. It also has relevance to the way services
are marketed.

Again, apologies for the possible tarring of your good name. In
hindsight, you might appreciate how easy it is to be 'tarred with
the same brush' as a potentially less honest operator (not

Thus you may like to see them advertise the portability or
non-portability of their offerings up-front.

I have to say that posting to this list is like walking a


On Fri, May 22, 1998 at 01:43:06PM +0900, Simon Hackett wrote:
> >To date I'm aware of the active marketing of
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Since I am the operator of the domain on behalf of its owner, I'd
> like to question where you are claiming that we actively market subdomains
> of (because it'd be news to me). I would be upset if you started to
> put words, or allegations of specific (implicitly bad) marketing if you
> were just making it up.
> We do offer them, but we don't make a big thing of it, it's just a 'get out
> of' option for some people who want to use it. Same with names in
> "" and "" right now.
> Oh, and don't assume we won't redelegate them if one of our customers
> leave, because we will. However none of our customers have ever left as yet
> - cos they're all happy.
> Simon
> ---
> Simon Hackett, Technical Director, Internode Systems Pty Ltd
> 31 York St [PO Box 284, Rundle Mall], Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
> Email: simon&#167;  Web:
> Phone: +61-8-8223-2999          Fax: +61-8-8223-1777

Alastair Waddell	         o Tel +61 3 96 400-400  	 
Technical Administrator          o Fax +61 3 9222-1363 
CyberLabs	                 o		
Queen Street, Melbourne

+ Virtual Services + DNS Maintenance + ISP Co-location + Internetworking
Received on Fri May 22 1998 - 15:57:03 UTC

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