DNS: .AU.COM name space

DNS: .AU.COM name space

From: Larry Bloch <larry§netregistry.com.au>
Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 09:28:09 +1000
At 14:50 23/05/98 +1000, Rick wrote:
>Can anyone on this list give a reasonabley detailed summary
>of current DNS governance in the following areas?

>3. the alternative domain spaces
>The summary should mention:
>(a) authority for registration and administration
>(b) any hierarchy/chain of command involved
>(c) technical requirements for the domains
>(d) administration requirements for the domains

Right - since you ask, I can fill in some details about .AU.COM

The delegated authority and the authority for Registration/Administration is

NetRegistry Pty Ltd

(b) is obvious in the case of .AU.COM

Registration by PISP's under .AU.COM:

All PISP's must sign the NetRegistry PISP agreement.
1.   You must run your own name servers.
2.   You maintain all client contact and billing
3.   .AU.COM regisatration cost $50 per annum with 1 year in advance.
4.   .AU.COM has no requirement to have functioning zones _prior_ to
5.   .AU.COM domain name applications are decided on a first come first
serverd basis.
6.   No requirement for buyer to be a registered business.
7.   No limit to number of .AU.COM (or other) domains allowed.
8.   No restrictions on generic, town or commercial names (although many
have been bought to date).
9.   Domain buyers agree to indemnify NetRegistry etc etc
10. NetRegistry sells .AU.COM names retail for $199 plus $50 pa RRP
11. PISP's register names via a webpage with max 1 hour registration and

o NETREGISTRY WILL NOT ever contact your customer
o NETREGISTRY WILL NOT make your customers details public.
o NETREGISTRY WILL DELEGATE .au.com domains to any nameserver of the
'owners' choice.

Names with renewals unpaid for after the first year will be suspended for a
period of time, after which they will become available to others on a first
come first served basis.

NetRegistry has sold in the region of 1800 .AU.COM names since launch in
February 1998. Names registered include names for such notables as Shell,
BP, AOL, Charter Mercantile, Internet.au magazie as well as large numbers
of desperately needed generi c, town and commercial names.

Rather than have this list become an advert as has happened too often, any
list member wishing to reply to this thread for further information should
do so off-list, directly to me.

Hope this has been a little informative, Rick et al.


Larry Bloch                   
Chief Executive Officer       
NetRegistry Pty Limited       
email:  larry&#167;netregistry.au.com
Office: +61-(0)2-9555 6299
Fax:    +61-(0)2-9555 5808

Domain House, PO Box 2088, Sydney, NSW 1043
Received on Mon May 25 1998 - 09:56:47 UTC

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