On Sunday, May 31, 1998 12:03 PM, Jean-Christophe Praud[SMTP:jc.praud§ludexpress.com] wrote: §In the case of .TM, it seems Turkmenistan government changed its mind, §first delegating its ccTLD to a private foreign company, then stoping §because some .TM SLDs offended religious people. § §Hope the White Paper will clarify such issues... § §Governments still have to set up the rules, and respect them. § §Talking with "neighbors" is the best way to avoid clashes and bring §changes of rules more smoothly. § §-- §Jean-Christophe PRAUD - LUDEXPRESS http://www.ludexpress.com §http://www.nicwine.net http://www.nic.wine 3:213 WINE §Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu n'gah Bill R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtagn § Yes...it is important to encourage the Internet to grow toward the edges and away from a centralized core of people that have been trained to think in that one paradigm. As the Internet "frontier" finds new people, they will more easily adopt the system if it has some local culture and "neighbors" that can help to educate them and to help them obtain the resources they need to communicate without paying some centralized body. I look forward to seeing the growth in the .WINE "neighborhood" :-) Jim Fleming Unir Corporation - An H.323 GateKeeper for the IPv8 Network http://www.unir.net 0:196 .MALLReceived on Mon Jun 01 1998 - 05:17:26 UTC
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