Quoting Jim Fleming: | | §sidenote.. Six months ago I was quite happy for you to talk about AURSC and | §float your ideas, but after months and months of your endless invective and | §dribble it really becomes hard for someone not to grow to hate you. I really | §do hope you see that if your aim here is to rally support for your cause - | §that you're really going 180 degrees to your intended course. | | What topics would YOU like to talk about ? Err, not the same AURSC v. everyone topic again, and again, and again, and again. Please? | Adam is clearly off working on some leading edge projects. I am not | sure why he wastes his time going back and forth here. That's a question we all ask ourselves. | Maybe Adam's project has not yet developed to the magnitude and ..... I've never once slammed or criticised AURSC or any of the alternate DNS initiative - merely these strange methods of promotion utilised by Adam and others to legitimise them. My recent post was a reflection on claims made regarding the extent of people who can see AURSC domains - and was an objective post of my experiments. Where did I ever say I did not support Adam's project (*) - huh? Believe it or not, I posted a constructive _suggestion_ to this list on how to promote AURSC a few months ago. In fact - here is another suggestion. If Adam feels concerned about client confidentiality to release a list of ISPs that are configured to resolve AURSC domains - I will happily list their AURSC membership on the ISP List website. He can feel free to get any or all of them to email me and I will make a public list of them. Those that do not wish to say they do don't have to, those that do can advertise it as a benefit of membership. You're not going to 'win' if you keep debating with people who obviously have staunchly inverse opinions to you - especially when you make claims people just don't believe. Why try? kim (*) That's not to say I do support it either. The jury is still out.Received on Sun Jun 21 1998 - 17:34:22 UTC
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