> 5 _______________________ > 3 _______________________ > 6 _______________________ >1 Robert Elz >2 Luke Carruthers (Chair) Intia (IIA) Luke§netport.com.au > 7 _______________________ > 4 _______________________ > 8 _______________________ I don't feel Luke, who ownes a very large stake of a very large ISP is a good person to sit in this picture. Conflict of Interest, is a phrase that comes to mind. >§@@@@@@ http://www.adna.asn.au/Minutes/April1998.html > >Leni Mayo >Vin Cinc >Luke Carruthers (Chair) Intia (IIA) Luke§netport.com.au >Peter Gerrand (Secretary) Melbourne IT ceo§MelbourneIT.com.au >Mark Hughes (Treasurer) ECA-Tradegate mhughes§ozemail.com.au >Kevin Dinn AIA (IIA) Kevin§zip.com.au >Simon Hackett SAIA simon§internode.com.au >Erica Roberts NOIE eroberts§dca.gov.edu >Kate Lance ISOC-AU clance§connect.com.au >Ron Cameron ACCC ron.cameron§accc.gov.au >Trevor Hales Minutes Secretary I'm still trying to work out who *I* and any other member of the public can attend and voice opinions in the ADNA "public and open process." It certainly lacks credability in that I was invited then uninvited, then invited again. Maybe eventually they will get their weedy minds together and realise that public interest is where their interest lay. In the mean time, I'll be extremely VOCAL about ADNA and it's membership, both in lists and shortly in the media. THE DOMAIN NAME HANDBOOK http://www.domainhandbook.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The advice offered in this email is not considered professional advice, or it would be accompanied by an invoice. No permission is granted for republication of comments, without written consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business Development, Technology Domain Registration and Network Advisory Telstra Convey Member (not employee) AURSC http://www.aursc.ah.net Adam Todd Personal http://adamtodd.ah.net at§aus or at@ah.net http://adam.says.sheesh Phone +61 2 9729 0565 Network http://www.ah.net AU Internet News http://www.ah.net/lists/lwgate/INTERNET/ AU Internet User Mail List http://www.ah.net/lists/lwgate/OZ-USER/ INTERNATIONAL ROOT SERVER CONFEDERATION MEMBER http://www.i.rscReceived on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 23:34:09 UTC
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