[DNS] AP-IFWP Annoucement (Aug 3)

[DNS] AP-IFWP Annoucement (Aug 3)

From: Leni Mayo <leni§moniker.net>
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 10:38:01 +1000
[Please note that dates and venue have been changed]
[apology for duplication / thank you for redistribution]

Announcement   [as of August 3, 1998]

Asia Pacific International Forum on White Paper A Regional
Meeting on Internet Governance: Administration of IP
Addresses and Domain Names

August 11-13, 1998, Orchard Hotel, Singapore.

Registration is Free of Charge /there may be minimal charge
for lunch

[www.apia.org for more info on Singapore meeting,
 www.apng.org for registration www.iwfp.org for overall
 info on IFWP]

We are pleased to announce that a regional meeting
on Internet Governance will be held in Singapore from
Aug 11th to 13th to discuss about the formation of new
self-governance mechanism of Internet.

This meeting is positioned as the third in the
international workshop series, being organized by IFWP
(International Forum on White Paper), an ad-hoc group
of industry associations and other interested parties
formulated to help reach international consensus on the
coordination issues of Internet management led by private
sector initiatives.  The first workshop was already
held in Washington D.C, on July 1-2, with more than 200
participants from North and South America, Europe and
Asia. The second meeting was held in Geneva on July 24-25
which co-located with INET'98.  Another IFWP meeting is
also planned to be held in Argentina, Aug 20-21.

The Singapore meeting is jointly organized by local
host groups including APNG (Asia Pacific Networking
Group), APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center),
APIA Asia & Pacific Internet Association), APPLe (Asia
Pacific Policy and Legal Forum), APDIP (Asia Pacific
Development Information Program) of UNDP(United Nations
Development Program) and PAN (Pan Asia Networking) of IDRC
(International Development Research Centre) and SGNIC
(Singapore Network Information Centre).

Following the release of the US Government's so called
White Paper in June, a series of efforts to help create a
new global, non-profit, private and neutral organization
that will manage such Internet resources as Domain Name,
IP Address and Protocols is underway world-wide.

This meeting is intended to participate these efforts and
raise voices and concerns from Asia Pacific region to the
global Internet Community. The purpose of these workshops
i s to bring together the diverse stakeholder groups and
experts to:
1) learn, identify and articulate the issues,
2) prepare models, set of common principles, structures
   and general charter provisions for the formation of
   "New IANA Corporation" or equivalent of that,
3) formulate a process to bring true global perspective
   and participation to this new self-governance mechanisms
   by raising regional interests.

The event is scheduled on August 11-13, at the Orchard
Hotel in Singapore, and will bring together regional
experts and stakeholders as well as key members of the
international Internet community.

Already, a number of people from outside Asia/Pacific
region has expressed interest to participate. They include:
Mr. Ira Magaziner, Senior Advisor to U.S. President, Mr.
Richard Delmas of the European Commission, DG XIII,
Dr Tamara Frankel, Moderator of GIAW, Professor, Boston
University, Prof. David Farber, University of Pennsylvania,
as well as European ISP Association, Commercial Internet
eXchange (CIX) and Information Technology Association
of America (ITAA) to name a few.  From Asia and Pacific
region, governments of Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong,
Japan, Australia and Indonesia are expected to send their

We are seeking for more groups and parties concerned to
join as co-host and participants of this meeting. For
those from developing countries, a travel subsidy program
is under consideration.  We are open to constructive
suggestions and proposals for the agenda, structure and
topics to be discussed at this very important meeting.

For overall IFWP process and information, please see:

Local Co-organizers (as of Aug 3)
APNG    Chair: Tan Tin Wee                      tinwee&#167;irdu.nus.edu.sg


APNIC   Chair: Toru Takahashi           toru&#167;tokyonet.ad.jp

APIA    Chair: Jin Hor Hur                      jhhur&#167;nuri.net

APPLe   Chair: Laina Greene                     laina&#167;singnet.com.sg

APDIP   Coordinator: Gabriel Accasina   gab&#167;undp.org

PAN     Coordinator: Maria Ng Lee Hoon  MariaNgLeeHoon&#167;idrc.org.sg

SGNIC  General Manager: Agnes Lee               agneslee&#167;nic.net.sg

IFWP Participating Sponsors
(* Volunteer Steering Committee members, As of Aug. 3, 1998)

Arizona Internet Access Association (AIAA)
Association of Interactive Media (AIM) *
Association of Internet Professionals (AIP) *
Association of Online Professionals (AOP) *
Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA) *
Association for the Creation and Propagation of Internet Policies (A-
Camara Argentina de Bases de Datos y Servicios en Linea (CABASE) *
Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) *
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT)
Commercial Internet eXchange Association (CIX) *
Computer Software and Services Association (CSSA) *
Confederation for British Industry (CBI)
Educom/Educause *
European Internet Service Providers Association (EuroISPA) *
Information Technology Association of America (ITAA)
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
Internet Alliance (IA)
Internet Law & Policy Forum (ILPF)
Internet Service Providers Consortium (ISP/C) *
Internet Service Providers of the UK  (ISPA-UK)
Internet Society (ISOC) *
Open Root Server Confederation (ORSC) *
Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) *
US Council for International Business (USCIB) *

For more information on the Singapore Meeting, please see:

Or please contact Conference Secretariat:
  c/o APIA (Asia & Pacific Internet Association)
  7th Story RELC Building, 30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258352
  Tel +65 834-2960  Fax: +65 836-2516  Email: apia-sec&#167;apia.org

Conference Venue: Orchard Hotel Singapore ( www.orchardhotel.com.sg)
442 Orchard Road, Singapore 238879
Tel : +65 734 7766  Fax : +65 739 6606          Email :

[following hotels have special conference rate and please indicate
that you are attending
"AP-IFWP" when making reservation]

Orchard Hotel Singapore ( www.orchardhotel.com.sg)   Main Conference
442 Orchard Road, Singapore 238879
Tel : +65 734 7766  Fax : +65   739 6606                Email :
S$145 +++ Superior Single per night (w/ Continental Breakfast)
S$168 +++ Deluxe Single per night (w/ American Breakfast)
S$190 +++ Harvesters or Premier Club Room for Single   S$205 +++ for
Double per night

ANA Hotel Singapore     (www.anahotel.com )
 Tel : +65 732 1222   Fax : +65 235 1516        Email:
 S$130 +++ Superior room per night  (Publish rate: S$300 -) and up

The Elizabeth Hotel     (www.fareast.com.sg/hotels)   27 Mount
Elizabeth, Singapore 228518
 Tel: +65 738 1188 Fax: +65 732 3866    Email :
 S$138 +++ Superior Single per night   S$148 +++ Superior Twin per

RELC (Regional Language Centre)  (www.hotel-web.com)  30 Orange Grove
Road, Singapore 258352
 Tel: 65-7379044     Fax: 65-7339976    Email: relcih&#167;singnet.com.sg
 S$97 ++ Single or Twin sharing with American Breakfast

[Details are subject to change]

       < < <  Izumi Aizu   <izumi&#167;anr.org>   > > >
    Principal, Asia Network Research (ANR) Sdn. Bhd.
      Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  ( http://www.anr.org)
Secretary General, Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA)
                     also associated with
   Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita & Tokyo
      GLOCOM, Tokyo ( http://www.glocom.ac.jp)

Leni Mayo                          Ph:    +61 3 9428 5530
                                   Fax:   +61 3 9428 5902
Moniker Pty Ltd                    E-mail: mailto:leni&#167;moniker.net
Internet Domain Names              WWW:    http://www.moniker.net
Received on Tue Aug 04 1998 - 08:39:04 UTC

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