At 1:43 PM +1100 31/1/2000, Mark Nearhos quoted: >"Senator Alston has also proposed a new category of, in >addition to .com or .org, to allow individuals to set up >websites, but again only if they are that person." Well I never. And I though had been around for five years <>. Gosh it must be otherwise. How could I be Gee how can I prove I am me? >From the site - >The domain was created early in 1995 as a place in the >namespace where individuals or families can register >subdomains. The domain was designed to solve the >problem of keeping email addresses consistent over time. > >It was noticed that over time an individual may move between >several employers (or whatever other affiliation that >provides their network connectivity), requiring them to >change their email address. > >Some suggestions to solve this problem involved registering >people under cities and states to form an hierarchical >system not unlike the Australian Postal system. This, >however, has exactly the same drawbacks as the postal >system, where people's addresses need to change when they >move between cities or states. > >The solution adopted (although he does not take credit for >the idea) by Robert Elz, the administrator for the au domain >was to register the domain Under the domain >resides subdomains maintained by an independent group of >people, each maintaining a domain with an arbitrary name. >The subdomains of are allocated from suggestions of >names made from the net at large, generally following the >convention of Australian fauna and flora. Each domain >operates independently within the guidelines with >their own allocation policies, costs, maintenance procedures >and rules. > >This makes a registration within non-political, >non-geographical and completely unrelated to a person's >place of work, or lack thereof. > >An individual can view the policies of the various >providers, and choose the one that most suits their needs. >If the individual requires fast and reliable service, they >will likely expect to pay for it. If they wish a low-cost >service, some domains will be provided free-of-charge. I wonder if the Minister (did he create the internet or was it Gore) knows about all the other domains in .au >From Commercial Entities This domain is for commercial entities, such as companies (with ACN as registered through ASIC), and businesses (registered with state governments). Registry: Internet Names Australia Network Service Providers For companies that provide Network Services (such as ISPs). Registry: Educational Institutions Bodies of national significance (such as universities) are registered directly in this domain. State based bodies are registered in a state subdomain like Registrar: Geoff Huston Government Entities Federal government bodies are registered below State or local governent are registered in their state's subdomain such as Registry: Office of Government Online Associations and Non-Profit Organisations The domain serves for incorporated bodies, political parties, trade unions, sporting and special interest clubs, and partnerships between disparate organisations. Registry: Connect West Individuals The domain is designated for Individuals use. It has a unique policy of having a series of third level domains named after native Australian flora and fauna (eg.,, etc). End-users must register under one of these, each provided by a different registry. Homepage Major Information Resources This domain is used to identify major Australian information resources. Registrar: Geoff Huston ACSNet Members Machines connected to the ACSNet network use the domain This domain is largely historic. Registrar: Robert Elz X.400 Gateway The domain is used as a gateway to the X.400 email service operated by Telstra Enhanced Services (C=AU/ADMD=Telememo). For companies that provide Network Services (such as ISPs). Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organisation The CSIRO is a statutory Research and Development organisation for Australia. This domain is for their sole use. Conferences and Exhibitions For short duration conference and exhibitions, this domain space has an expiration policy. Once the conference or exhibition is finished the domain must be returned. Registrar: Robert Elz OTC X.400 Gateway (Removed. See AARNet Gateways Used for AARNet routers, and border routers of organisations connecting to the AARNet network. (Deprecated. See Miscellaneous The domain is a catch-all, for bodies that do not fit within the policies of other second level domains such as, or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - phone +61 2 6241 7659 mailto:me§ on Mon Jan 31 2000 - 11:46:21 UTC
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