The Board accepted the Panel's recommendation that existing domain name licences should be 'grandfathered' from future policy changes, in order to provide existing registrants with security of tenure. This is consistent with past practice, for example when the restriction on generic domain names in was introduced in 1996, registrants who had previously registered generic names were allowed to keep them. However, the Board was concerned that blanket grandfathering of domain name licences would lead to significant inconsistencies within the .au namespace. Whilst this is not so critical with regard to the allocation of domain names, it poses a potentially much greater problem with regard to the regulatory changes that auDA will be introducing. From a policy perspective, it was not considered acceptable that a large number of registrants (nearly 300,000 on current figures) would not be subject to auDA's Dispute Resolution Policy. Therefore, in considering the Panel's report, the Board drew a distinction between policy changes - ie. changes to the rules of eligibility and allocation - and administrative changes - ie. changes to the regulatory regime. This means that existing registrants will be entitled to keep their domain name licence, provided they continue to renew it. A condition of renewal will be that they agree to "sign onto" the new regulatory regime, including the auDRP. We cannot see that this decision carries any adverse implications. Existing registrants will not incur any cost or administrative burden under the auDRP unless they receive a complaint, and if they have licensed their domain name in good faith without violating the rights of a third party, then there is no reason why they should receive a complaint. Regards Jo Lim Chief Policy Officer .au Domain Administration ph 03 9226 9495 fax 03 9226 9499 mob 0410 553 233 -----Original Message----- From: Ian Johnston [mailto:ian.johnston§] Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2001 3:01 PM To: DNS Subject: [DNS] auDA Board Decision: "an administrative change" or "a policy change" I'm puzzled by some references in the auDA Board minutes of May 2001 and what the implications of these references might be. >From the auDA Board minutes of May 2001 at <>: "8. That the Board accepts Recommendation 3.3 e, that the domain name licence applicant must agree to be bound by any Dispute Resolution Procedure specified by auDA. Board comment: The introduction of a Dispute Resolution Procedure is an administrative change, not a policy change. Therefore, the 'grandfathering' provision in Recommendation 3.8 does not apply to this recommendation." Could I have a response from auDA to the following questions please: - What are the definitions of "an administrative change" and "a policy change"? - What are the implications (or intended implications) of the abovementioned Board decision? - Does the decision mean that the new / proposed "Dispute Resolution Procedure" will apply to all existing domain name licence holders? I can see that the _Introduction_ of a Dispute Resolution Procedure might be a administrative change, but if there's any suggestion that the new / proposed Dispute Resolution Procedure itself is not a policy change, that I would question. SETEL is a member of auDA and I was a member of the Competition and Name Panels. Ian ~~~~~ Ian Johnston, Policy Consultant Small Enterprise Telecommunications Centre Limited (SETEL) PO Box 58 Jamison ACT 2614 Australia 02 6251 7848 (B) 02 6251 7835 (F) 0413 990 112 (M) mailto:ian.johnston§ SETEL is a national association advancing and representing the interests of Australian small businesses as consumers of telecommunications and electronic commerce. ~~~~ Ian Johnston, Principal Consultant Australian Information Brokers (ABN 79 613 435 633) Information research, consultancy and marketing services Information economy, e-commerce and telecommunications Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 02 6259 7777(B) 02 6258 3409(F) 0413 990 112 (M) mailto:ian.johnston§ -- This article is not to be reproduced or quoted beyond this forum without express permission of the author. 349 subscribers. Archived at (user: dns, pass: dns) Email "unsubscribe" to dns-request§ to be removed.Received on Wed Aug 15 2001 - 12:29:18 UTC
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