[DNS] Re: Federal Government commitment to consumer representation in communications policy formulation

[DNS] Re: Federal Government commitment to consumer representation in communications policy formulation

From: Don Cameron <donc§mudgeeab.com.au>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 20:59:43 +1000
Thank you Ian,

I thought the posting might have relevence. As a not too distant aside, I'm
interested in fostering an awareness by the growing network of CTC's
(Community Technology Centre's) and Telecentre's throughout Australia in
AuDA policies, because of the close interaction these centres have with the
Internet community consumer-base. It's fair to say that in many areas these
centres form the "coal-face" of community Internet interaction, and raising
their own involvement and understanding of Internet issues can only benefit
those who use their services. Perhaps membership of  SETEL might be
appropriate for these organisations?

Most are funded NFP community groups, however many are centrally
administered, commonly falling under a State umbrella. I am attending a
meeting of CTC delegates on Monday and will raise this matter for

Rgds, Don

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