[DNS] FW: [Oz-ISP] Internet Registrations Australia gross overcharging for .com.au!

[DNS] FW: [Oz-ISP] Internet Registrations Australia gross overcharging for .com.au!

From: Brooks, Paul <Paul.Brooks2§ndcglobal.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 12:40:38 +1000
> Now I don't feel so left out - I got my first one yesterday, for a domain
> registered just on a year ago - unfortunately, my home address was in the
> WHOIS comments, so is available for public access.
> After trawling through the ACCC site (which says contact auDA) and the
> auDA site (which says contact the ACCC), and the INWW site where I
> registered it myself (which says nothing on the matter), and calling IRA
> (who appear not to be doing anything illegal, just objectionable/sharp
> practices), its not clear what action to take, other than binning it - and
> that doesn't help the matter for the rest of the industry.
> Before I spend a few hours on the phone, has anyone had a recent chat with
> the ACCC regarding these letters, and in particular
> a) could this be classed as a 'scam', looking like an invoice to deceive
> busy business accounts sections, but actually only an offer
> b) Labelling the bottom invoice section "RENEWAL" may be misleading, as
> IRA doesn't renew, and the domain may not need to be renewed for a long
> time
> c) Not disclosing any material terms and conditions on the letter (such as
> that IRA may not be able to fulfil a long-term 'management' contract
> beyond 2 years), forcing
>     recipients to look at a separate webpage for terms and conditions, may
> be "Unconscionable Conduct"
> Has anyone stumped up the $10 to peruse the ACCCs "Unconscionable Conduct
> guide" to see if it breaches something there?
> Dr Paul Brooks		| paul.brooks2&#167;ndcglobal.com	
> Lead Consultant		| Ph: +61 2 8399 6666
> NDC Professional Services	| Fx: +61 2 8399 6895
> Sydney Australia		| Mob: 0414 366 605
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	David Fitch [SMTP:davidf&#167;parachilna.com]
> Sent:	Friday, October 12, 2001 9:09 AM
> To:	aussie-isp&#167;aussie.net
> Subject:	Re: [Oz-ISP] Internet Registrations Australia gross
> overcharging for .com.au!
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2001 at 01:44:19PM +1000, Craig Ian Dewick wrote:
> > Yet another letter about renewing my .com.au domain name has arrived,
> this
> makes me glad I went for a .com name.
> Apart from being a fraction of the cost of a .com.au, I haven't
> had any spam about renewals at all (touch wood!).
> Dave.
> ----
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