RE: [DNS] DNS List

RE: [DNS] DNS List

From: Dassa <dassa§>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 22:38:09 +1100
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Jon Lawrence [mailto:jon&#167;] 
|> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 8:21 PM
|> To: dns&#167;
|> Subject: RE: [DNS] DNS List
|> Dassa
|> >I still feel
|> >maintaining two lists, one public and one closed, would serve the
|> >Australian .au name space far more.
|> I think I now agree with you on this one.  Your other comments are
|> well made.  I guess I'm really more interested in raising the issue
of broadening
|> the membership base than in closing out non-members, as such...

I have found that the more exposure the better.  It is an uphill battle
getting most people interested in causes or organisations where there is
no direct benefit.  Even when there is direct benefit it can be a
fruitless quest :).  

Over the last few years I have often tried to interest those with a
general computer interest or work in the IT industry to become more
involved in DNS issues, mostly on an international level, with little
success.  A lot of people are frightened off by any mailing list that is
over one or two emails a day.  Unfortunately, one of the main indicators
a list is actually functioning well is where there is a high volume of
relevant traffic.  So I do think a members only list would be very
attractive to some potential members.

Personally I think AuDA becoming involved in consumer issues and
providing assistance to people with complaints, providing a forum where
anyone can participate and in general, attempting to raise public
awareness through online and print media will go a long way to encourage
membership growth.  Each member and those interested can also assist by
good old fashioned word of mouth which is still a very powerful force.

Perhaps each member also promoting AuDA on their own websites with links
etc would be a good idea.  Maybe an AuDA endorsed logo and link html
that could be distributed as part of the membership package.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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