From Quicklinks Commission welcomes European Parliament's endorsement of '.eu' Internet domain name (RAPID) The European Commission welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament, in its second reading, of its Recommendation on the draft Regulation to implement the '.eu' Internet top-level domain, allowing European citizens, organisations and businesses to have '.eu' web-site and e-mail addresses. The '.eu' Regulation is expected to be adopted very soon at a forthcoming Council of Ministers meeting. Also in French and German.|0|RAPID&lg=EN&display= Erkki Liikanen Member of the European Commission, responsible for Enterprise and the Information Society "Comments on .eu" Press Conference Brussels, 28 February 2002.|0|RAPID&lg=EN&display= If ICANN Can't, Who Should? (Wired) The imbroglio began late Sunday, when the president of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers candidly admitted that the group's experiment in global online democracy had been a loser of an idea. His language was blunt: "Flawed from the beginning ... noble but deeply unrealistic ... fatally flawed.",1283,50670,00.html A Second Bite at the Apple: Domain Name Registrants Can Use Anticybersquatting Statute to Reverse UDRP Proceeding (Mondaq) In a case of first impression, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has ruled that the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (the "ACPA") gives a domain name registrant the right to seek injunctive relief to regain a domain name which was lost to a trademark owner in a proceeding under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "UDRP"). As a result of the court's decision in Sallen v. Corinthians Licenciamentos LTDA, some of the issues surrounding the interplay between the ACPA and the UDRP, anticipated by our June 2, 2000 Internet Alert, have now been resolved by at least one court. Watchdogs denounce ICANN revamp (Boston Globe) Public interest groups and other Internet watchdogs yesterday denounced a proposal that would give the world's governments a greater say in how the Internet is run. Se duplican las demandas por registros ilegales de nombres de dominio ( Según la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI), el número de demandas por registros ilegales de nombres de dominio se ha duplicado en el último trimestre de 2001 por la introducción de siete nuevos nombres genéricos y se espera un aumento aún mayor con la introducción de las denominaciones plurilingües. Wrestlers Battle On After Losing Appeal To Keep (Newsbytes) World Wrestling Federation Entertainment has lost a rematch in an international dispute with the World Wildlife Fund over the use of the initials "WWF" on its marketing material and in its Internet domain name. See for the web version of the news, along with an archive. - Yahoo! Movies - Vote for your nominees in our online Oscars pool.Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC
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