RE: [DNS] Internet News

RE: [DNS] Internet News

From: Marty Drill <marty§>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 00:52:31 +1000
Hey James

July1 the system goes live and the Registrars will release their prices
then. Some of the registrars will provide you reseller prices

There is a list of accredited registrars on

The other registrars are finalising their systems for accreditation


-----Original Message-----
From: ginger FISH [mailto:cyrille.lefevre&#167;] 
Sent: Friday, 21 June 2002 12:41 AM
To: dns&#167;
Subject: RE: [DNS] Internet News

Yup, i got a few prices from a few new blokes, but i don't know if i can
disclose that information !


-----Original Message-----
From: James Fiander [mailto:jfiander&#167;]
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 12:21 AM
To: dns&#167;
Subject: RE: [DNS] Internet News

This email slipped through the cracks of my "crap" filter which I've had
auda list on for some time... I know that deregulation is coming fairly
soon... has there been any indication of what prices will be charged for
wholesaler's? Startup fees? Per Domain Registration fees?


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Meadows [mailto:webmaster&#167;]
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 12:11 AM
To: dns&#167;
Subject: RE: [DNS] Internet News

"wondering if Mr Culican of Melbourne IT pays his car insurance two
months prior to its due date ?"

Considering our feedback to auDa about the loss of the exiting
registration period upon transfer was met with an analogy surrounding
the mobile phone industry, nothing would surprise me.

We'll have resellers sitting along the roadside, perhaps sharing the
same wavelength as tow truck operators, just waiting for a message that
Mr Jones at number 14 has a domain that needs 2 months ripping off the
original registration period.


Gary Meadows

-----Original Message-----
From: ginger FISH [mailto:cyrille.lefevre&#167;]
Sent: Thursday, 20 June 2002 11:38 PM
To: Dns&#167;Auda. Org. Au
Subject: [DNS] Internet News

Melbourne IT accused of stepping on reseller's domain

........ wondering if Mr Culican of Melbourne IT pays his car insurance
two months prior to its due date ?...

By the way, has anyone heard of Melbourne IT sending out half price gTLD
offers as a way of enticing resellers' clients to go direct ?


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