On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, Michael-Pappas wrote: > Adam > > I'm not going to take this much further, but your ideas for DNS are very > different than mine. And most everyone else's, looks like. Must have missed the new 2LD Panel. > I feel that domain should be used in ways that compliment companies, > organisations, individuals, non-profits policital parties eetc etc and you > are using leglisative law to restrict and stop open use of the DNS... > Not my idea of the DNS... I remember Adam Todd from the Fidonet days, where he attempted to apply LAW in that venue (Fidonet being a voluntary unincorporated association) by attempting, unsuccessfully, to drag the pollies in to 'control' it. That was when I first learned what a Troll was. Pointless to argue .. Please trim quotes of it to relevant material, or we'll have a 50k at a time flame war on our hands before long at all .. :) Cheers, Ian [CUT]Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC
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