RE: [DNS] Fwd: Melbourne IT Ltd. | CONSUMER WARNING - Affecting your Domain Name

RE: [DNS] Fwd: Melbourne IT Ltd. | CONSUMER WARNING - Affecting your Domain Name

From: Adam Todd <auda§>
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2002 17:41:09 +1000
>>>  auDA is not a Government organisation.  It is a non-Profit
>>>  Limited company made up of members.  The Australian Government
>>>  has endorsed auDA to the be the regulatory authority / manager
>>>  for .au domain names.
>>Can you send me a copy of the endorsement please.

Proves the point.  It doesn't meet all the endorsement criteria so it's not 
exactly endorsed.  Or are we saying "most are good enough and no one really 
cares anyway."  Which is pretty correct because most will whine on a mail 
list and never actually get together to make a difference, which is why 
auDA in it's present form exists, because the only people who cared were 
those rorting the system in the first place.

Anyway, any endorsement by Alston should be taken with a grain of 
salt!  Considering he doesn't even use e-mail (LINK 1999/2000) and has made 
a shambles by implementing the most stupid and unenforceable legislation in 
the world for censorship, i can only imagine that anyone with any serious 
intelligence will look at that letter and groan appropriately.
Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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