Possible implications for AU domain name industry. -- Ian Johnston Small Enterprise Telecommunications Centre (SETEL) SETEL is a national small business consumer association advancing the interest of Australian small business as telecommunications and e-commerce consumers -- Source: http://www.consumer.gov.au/html/mcca_meeting.htm FRIDAY 2 August 2002 The Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs (MCCA) held its eleventh annual meeting in Adelaide today. MCCA comprises Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand Ministers responsible for fair trading, consumer protection laws, trade measurement and credit laws. Outcomes of the meeting included: Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce In response to issues raised by Victoria, Ministers established a Working Group (to be chaired by Victoria) to examine consumer and regulatory implications of e-commerce and 'm' or mobile commerce. The Working Party will examine the advantages and disadvantages of whether jurisdictions should adopt further uniform statutory measures to protect consumers when engaging in e-commerce and determine whether state jurisdictions should adopt an extra-territorial regime for their Fair Trading Acts that catches all activities of e-tailers, wherever located. The Working Group will also examine issues relating to web seals of approval. While much of the regulation of telecommunications is undertaken at the Federal level, there are some important issues in relation to m-commerce that must be addressed by State regulatory agencies. Issues that State and Territory consumer and fair trading agencies will be particularly interested in include credit provision, billing and contractual arrangements, privacy implications and marketing issues. Unfair Contract Terms Fair Trading and consumer protection jurisdictions across Australia share a growing number of problems with unfair terms of consumer contracts in various areas of the marketplace. Ministers directed SCOCA to establish a working party to investigate policy options to address unfair terms of consumer contracts and the merits of adopting a more nationally consistent and effective regulatory regime and report to MCCA with recommendations by the end of February 2003.Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC
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