Re: [DNS] Nothing like making it hard

Re: [DNS] Nothing like making it hard

From: Adrian Chadd <adrian§>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 14:31:31 +0800
On Wed, Nov 20, 2002, Ian Smith wrote:
>  > > But that's not the issue - it's like the locks on the door - really 
>  > > there to keep the honest people away. It's easier to get around the 
>  > > lookup limits in other ways that generating custom request headers...
>  > 
>  > Well, if you want a reasonably foolproof setup why not ask ausregistry 
>  > to implement
>  > an authenticated whois-style system? Then you can perform some useful 
>  > statistical
>  > checks on the access patterns.
> Sure why not, but meanwhile how hard is it to set your AnyBrowser to not
> use the proxy cache for if you do want to use HTTP? 

Transparent proxies?

Hm. I remember someone &#167;ausregistry pointing out an alternate whois
server (with no restrictions?) which only returned an ACK/NAK. Is that
still operational and if so, where would it be?


Adrian Chadd			"<WeBGrrL> i WAS a lesbian.....but now i love everyone :P"
Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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