Re: [DNS] DNS Problem

Re: [DNS] DNS Problem

From: Tony Owen <tony§>
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 18:21:53 +1030
Hi Guys,

I am aware that we have both our DNS servers on the same c-class, but until
I can sort out what the current problem is with the world not being able to
find our existing server, I dont want to compound it by arranging an offsite

The additional ip's showing in the ns records are other ips on the
nameserver, and I have just removed them (this happens when I reboot the
server) I currently am using a windows 2003 DNS.

I was originally using a BIND server, but due to this problem, shut it down
and ran up a whole new server thinking it was the server setup or something.

I think I will keep trying to trace thee problem for a while, thanks for
your suggestions.

Cheers Tony

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