domain name news - 9 June

domain name news - 9 June

From: David Goldstein <goldstein_david§>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 22:59:39 +1000 (EST)
Check out for
the latest domain news. Within 24 hours of this news being
posted, a more recent edition of the news will normally be
posted to the auDA web site. The domain name news is
supported by auDA.

Iraq seeks '.IQ' domain to make its mark on Net
Iraq is making its first claim for an internationally
recognized presence on the Internet.

Irák chce získat vlastní internetovou doménu ".IQ"

au: Govt pays $201,000 for domain
It cost taxpayers $201,000 to give Australia's new tourism
superbody the domain name it wanted, a Senate budget
estimates hearing was told.,4057,9725429%255E15318,00.html,7204,9725429%5E15318%5E%5Enbv%5E15306,00.html

au: auDA urges Australian businesses to back .au
Australian privately run domain regulator auDA said it
would like to see more local companies supporting the
nation's top level commercial domain suffix,,39023166,39149505,00.htm

au: Westpac unit nets domain name
Former Internet Registry Australia director Bradley Norrish
has lost ownership of a domain name after a complaint by BT
Financial Group.,4057,9776974%255E15318,00.html

Why ICANN('t) pay the bill
ICANN, a group that has had its fair share of problems, has
yet another: The Net coordination body wants more money --
and more power -- but one of its largest partners, the
Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries
(CENTR), isn't willing to play ball.;723714975

Joint ICANN/ITU-T ccTLD Workshop to be held in Kuala Lumpur
on 24 July 2004
The workshop will be immediately following the ICANN
meeting, in the Equatorial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

ICANN Announces IDN Workshop to be Held on 21 July 2004 in
Kuala Lumpur
ICANN announced today that an IDN workshop will be held on
21 July 2004 during the ICANN meetings in Kuala Lumpur. The
full-day workshop will begin with a tutorial session,
followed by presentations focusing on knowledge-sharing and
studies from particular geographical regions. A detailed
schedule for the workshop is being finalized, and will be
included in the full Kuala Lumpur meeting agenda:

IANA Administrative Procedure for Root Zone Name Server
Delegation and Glue Data
In December of 2003 the Root Server System Advisory
Committee (RSSAC) made a recommendation to the ICANN board
regarding adding IPv6 name server addresses to the root
zone for Top Level Domains (TLDs) that request them. The
recommendation also suggested that the IANA adopt certain
procedures to deal with potential (although unlikely)
problems that may occur as a result of these changes.

us: GMAC Dismisses Suit Against LendingTree
LendingTree, Inc.(R) revealed today that General Motors
Acceptance Corporation has dismissed its recently filed
complaint against LendingTree. GMAC had alleged that
LendingTree was attempting to trade on GMAC's reputation by
using or appropriating GMAC's trademark as a domain name.
Charles H. Ellerbrock, counsel for GMAC, stated, "Once we
learned that LendingTree had not used 'GMAC' in an Internet
domain name, we withdrew the complaint. LendingTree was
very gracious about the whole thing."

Web Address Sales Hit Record High
A record 4.7 million Internet addresses were sold in the
first three months of 2004, bringing the total number of
registered addresses to a new high of 62.9 million,
according to a study released Tuesday.

4,7 Millionen neue Domains im ersten Quartal
Im ersten Quartal dieses Jahres wurden weltweit 4,7
Millionen neue Domains registriert. Nach diesem
Rekordwachstum liegt die Zahl der vergebenen Adressen bei
62,9 Millionen. Dies geht aus der gestern in Mountain View
im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien vorgelegten Statistik des
Registrars VeriSign hervor.

Les gestionnaires de noms de domaine européens refusent
leur hausse de loyer
Les gestionnaires de noms de domaine européens estiment «
irréalistes et inappropriées », les contributions
financières réclamées par l'Icann. En un an, elle veut
faire passer son budget de 2,8 à 5 millions de dollars.

Website Domain Names Come Of Age
In the boom days of the Internet, a million domain names a
day were registered, and most of them have disappeared
along with the get-rich-quick dreamers. The real question
now is the fate of the remaining millions of business
domain names in active use on global e-commerce today.

SC sets aside HC order on `siffynet' domain name usage
Satyam Infoway Ltd has got a major relief in its internet
business as the Supreme Court has set aside a Delhi High
Court order allowing another company to use a domain name
deceptively similar to its Web site

eWeek fumbles domain name renewal
Technology journal eWeek recently let the domain
registration for its news site expire, causing the site to
be unavailable to some visitors for several hours this

Network Solutions Adds Offer Service
Domain name registrar Network Solutions
( announced on Friday that it has
launched its patent-pending Certified Offer Service, a
convenient method for Internet users obtain
already-registered domain names.

us: Offering Custom URLs, the affiliate program for pay-per-minute
Website, is now providing custom URLs and is
offering a special incentive for Webmasters to come on
board. These custom URLs allow Webmasters to use their own
domains throughout their custom theaters, while utilizing's secure back end.

Name, image and cyber-branding
Web sites have just completed a full circle of hard
struggle and somehow survived where traditional marketing
tools and old principals failed big time. Now the same
sites and domain names must face even harsher realities all
over to ensure high visibility and the exposure they
provide business.

Araber fordern arabische Schriftzeichen fürs Internet
ICANN - Ein Gruppe arabischer Geschäftsleute will sich
unter der Führung von Khalid Fattal dafür einsetzen, dass
auch Arabisch bei der Vergabe von Domainnamen zugelassen

Freenet und Sipgate schalten VoIP-Netze zusammen
Die Voice-over-IP-Anbieter Freenet und Sipgate haben ihre
Netze zusammengeschaltet. Internet-Telefonate zwischen
Kunden der beiden Firmen sind damit kostenfrei. Für die
kostenlosen Telefonate ist keine eigene Vorwahl
erforderlich; die Erkennung erfolgt anhand der gewählten
Rufnummer. Statt über das Telefonnetz mit Minutengebühren
wird das Gespräch dann kostenfrei übers Internet
weitergeleitet. Der Austausch der Internet-Rufnummern
zwischen den Unternehmen erfolgt zunächst noch nicht über
die Registry ENUM, sondern über einen direkten Austausch
der Rufnummerndaten. Allerdings ist der Umstieg auf die
ENUM-Registry offenbar mittelfristig geplant.

Aufstand gegen Internet-Verwaltung ICANN
Der neue Budgetvorschlag der Internet-Verwaltung ICANN
stößt mehr und mehr auf Ablehnung. Darin fordert die ICANN
15,8 Millionen Dollar, fast doppelt so viel wie für 2004.

L’ICANN évalue 10 nouvelles extensions de noms de domaine
L’ICANN, l’organisme chargé de l'administration d’Internet,
examine la possibilité d’autoriser 10 nouvelles extensions
de noms de domaine. Parmi les 10 propositions reçues se
trouvent les extensions «.mail», «.travel», «.sex», «.tel»
et «.mobi».

Freenet und Sipgate schalten VoIP-Netze zusammen
Die Voice-over-IP-Anbieter Freenet und Sipgate haben ihre
Netze zusammengeschaltet. Internet-Telefonate zwischen
Kunden der beiden Firmen sind damit kostenfrei. Für die
kostenlosen Telefonate ist keine eigene Vorwahl
erforderlich; die Erkennung erfolgt anhand der gewählten
Rufnummer. Statt über das Telefonnetz mit Minutengebühren
wird das Gespräch dann kostenfrei übers Internet
weitergeleitet. Der Austausch der Internet-Rufnummern
zwischen den Unternehmen erfolgt zunächst noch nicht über
die Registry ENUM, sondern über einen direkten Austausch
der Rufnummerndaten. Allerdings ist der Umstieg auf die
ENUM-Registry offenbar mittelfristig geplant.

La domaine ".fr" est en pleine mutation
Le système de gestion des noms de domaine de la zone .fr va
bientôt connaître sa première grande métamorphose. Celle-ci
prendra deux formes : d’une part un assouplissement
progressif, mais à terme radical, des conditions
d’enregistrement des noms de domaine en .fr, et d’autre
part, la suppression du monopole de l’AFNIC au lendemain de
l’adoption de la loi pour la confiance dans l’économie
numérique (LEN).

Carlos Afonso: ‘Sobra muito dinheiro’ (Sobre el .BR)
Aspirantes a membros da nova composição do Comitê Gestor
têm questionado a transparência do processo e a aplicação,
hoje, das verbas provenientes do registro de nomes de
domínios no país. Nesta entrevista, Carlos Afonso, diretor
da Rits e membro interino do CG, tenta acalmar os ânimos.

Enquanto isso, no CG...
O Comitê Gestor interino divulga hoje a relação das
entidades inscritas para as eleições do corpo definitivo da
entidade. Até sexta-feira, serão indicados os candidatos
pelas entidades integrantes do colégio eleitoral. No mesmo
dia, será divulgada a relação dos candidatos indicados. As
objeções e os recursos sobre as decisões da comissão
eleitoral referentes à indicação de candidatos poderão ser
feitas até 11 de junho.

Posición de LACTLD sobre la reunión del wwTLD en Kuala
A la comunidad ccTLD: A la luz de la próxima reunión del
ICANN, a realizarse en Kuala Lumpur, los miembros de LACTLD
desean expresar:

Y los candidatos son.... Elecciones .BR
El proceso de elecciones del .BR continua, y el día 4 de
Junio fue dado a conocer el listado de los candidatos
propuestos. A continuación se presentan los candidatos.

Re-Assignment of Pre-Registered Aero-Domains (news release)
ICANN accredited Registrar Secura announces today, that
Secura as registrar supports all steps, which SITA has
made, in order to pre-register industrial codes of the
aviation community as aero-domains. Eligible companies
(airlines and airports) can now register the pre-registered
domains at
(English) or (German).


Sources include Quicklinks ( and BNA
Internet Law News (".


(c) David Goldstein 2004

David Goldstein
 address: 2/4 Dundas Street
             COOGEE NSW 2034
 email: Goldstein_David&#167;
 phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9665 0015 - home

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