[DNS] Monetised

[DNS] Monetised

From: David Jones <dj_david_jones§yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 00:25:39 +0100 (BST)
--- Jon Lawrence <jon&#167;jonlawrence.com> wrote:

> Exactly.  And just to be clear, auDA's role, in
> auDA's own words, is as
> follows:
> From: http://www.auda.org.au/about/about-overview/
> <snip>
> Role of auDA 
> auDA performs the following functions: 
> -develop and implement domain name policy 

And part of that policy is who is eligible to hold a
domain licence and also what they are not permitted to
do as part of the license agreement. 

> -license 2LD registry operators
> -accredit and license registrars 

I don't see any registry complaining when they get a
smack on the wrist for not complying with the license
agreement. Do they cry 'restriction of trade'

> -implement consumer safeguards 

Who is the consumer? 

Also the auDA constitution is what governs auDA's
role, and I do believe that the members voted to give
auDA more powers in the recent EGM.

b. to maintain and promote the operational stability
and utility of the .au ccTLD and more generally, the
Internet's unique identifier system, and to enhance
the benefits of the Internet to the wider community;
(Amended by Special Resolution, 14 August 2006) 


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