[DNS] Slightly different questions about old domain records

[DNS] Slightly different questions about old domain records

From: Skeeve Stevens <skeeveĀ§skeeve.org>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 17:38:32 +1000
Hey all,

	Different reason for the similar question.

	I have a client which registered their domain back in the OLD OLD
.org.au days and while everything is fine, the "Registrant" is missing
something - just a word.  Everything else is fine, but I need to get the
word added to avoid a possible future issue with sister organisations in
other states.

	I'd also like to somehow find out what I originally registered the
domain with - meaning business name #, ACN, etc. how would I go about
finding out that info?


Skeeve Stevens, RHCE     Email: skeeve&#167;skeeve.org
Website: www.skeeve.org  - Telephone: (0414) 753 383
Address: P.O Box 1035, Epping, NSW, 1710, Australia

eIntellego - skeeve&#167;eintellego.net - www.eintellego.net
I'm a groove licked love child king of the verse
Si vis pacem, para bellum

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