*************************************************** The domain name news is supported by auDA *************************************************** Fifth Quarterly Report on the Transition of the Stewardship of the IANA Functions < <https://www.ntia.doc.gov/report/2016/fifth-report-iana-functions-transition > https://www.ntia.doc.gov/report/2016/fifth-report-iana-functions-transition> ICANN Announces June Panama Meeting To Be Relocated Due To Zika Virus < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/06/icann-june-panama-meeting-relocated/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/06/icann-june-panama-meeting-relocated/> Ted Cruz slams Chehade over Chinese ??conflict?? < <http://domainincite.com/19954-ted-cruz-slams-chehade-over-chinese-conflict> http://domainincite.com/19954-ted-cruz-slams-chehade-over-chinese-conflict> Cruz missile slams into DNS overlord ICANN over Chinese censorship < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/04/cruz_questions_icann_chinese_censor ship_role/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/04/cruz_questions_icann_chinese_censors hip_role/> New gTLD Registrations Pass 12 Million, .XYZ and Donuts Pass 2 Million < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/08/new-gtld-registrations-12m-xyz-2m/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/08/new-gtld-registrations-12m-xyz-2m/> Final RPM Report Follows ICA Comment and Sets Stage for UDRP Review b Philip Corwin < <http://www.internetcommerce.org/final-rpm-report/> http://www.internetcommerce.org/final-rpm-report/> ********************** ICANN ********************** GNSO Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Issues Policy Development Process Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration Purpose: This public comment proceeding seeks to obtain community input prior to Board action on the final recommendations of the GNSO Policy Development Process for Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues. < <https://www.icann.org/public-comments/ppsai-recommendations-2016-02-05-en> https://www.icann.org/public-comments/ppsai-recommendations-2016-02-05-en> WHOIS 2015 Annual Report Highlights Recent Accomplishments by Karen Mulberry 2015 was a banner year for ICANN in the area of WHOIS improvements. Today, ICANN published the 2015 Annual Report, which showcases those achievements and describes ICANN's progress against the recommendations from the 2012 Review Team. ICANN is also preparing for the next review team to be convened in late 2016. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/whois-2015-annual-report-highlights-recent- accomplishments> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/whois-2015-annual-report-highlights-recent-a ccomplishments> Response from Fadi Chehad?? and Thomas Schneider to Letter Dated January 11th, 2016 Re: Composition of the Review Team on Competition, Consumer Choice and Trust Re: Composition of the Review Team on Competition, Consumer Choice and Trust < <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/chehade-schneider-to-b c-04feb15-en.pdf> https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/chehade-schneider-to-bc -04feb15-en.pdf> Fifth Quarterly Report on the Transition of the Stewardship of the IANA Functions NTIA provides quarterly reports on all aspects of the proposed transition of the U.S. government??s stewardship role over the IANA functions. NTIA??s previous reports are posted here. This fifth report covers activities from October 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. As required by Public Law 113-235, NTIA will update this report on a quarterly basis. < <https://www.ntia.doc.gov/report/2016/fifth-report-iana-functions-transition > https://www.ntia.doc.gov/report/2016/fifth-report-iana-functions-transition> ICANN Announces June Panama Meeting To Be Relocated Due To Zika Virus ICANN announced yesterday that their 56th public meeting that was to be held in Panama City, scheduled to be held in June 2016, will be moved to another location due to the severity of the Zika Virus outbreak in the Latin America region. < <http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24475> http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24475> < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/06/icann-june-panama-meeting-relocated/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/06/icann-june-panama-meeting-relocated/> ICANN cancels Panama due to Zika virus ICANN has cancelled its upcoming meeting in Panama City, Panama, due to the Zika virus. < <http://domainincite.com/19959-icann-cancels-panama-due-to-zika-virus> http://domainincite.com/19959-icann-cancels-panama-due-to-zika-virus> ICANN??s Meeting App For ICANN55 Now Available ICANN??s next public meeting is scheduled for March 5 ?C 10 in Marrakech, Morocco. While that might be a month away the organisation has already launched their meeting app for the meeting. < <http://www.internetnews.me/2016/02/04/icanns-meeting-app-for-icann55-now-av ailable/> http://www.internetnews.me/2016/02/04/icanns-meeting-app-for-icann55-now-ava ilable/> Ted Cruz slams Chehade over Chinese ??conflict?? US presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has taken time out of his busy primaries schedule to lay into ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade over his new job on a Chinese policy panel. < <http://domainincite.com/19954-ted-cruz-slams-chehade-over-chinese-conflict> http://domainincite.com/19954-ted-cruz-slams-chehade-over-chinese-conflict> Republican Presidential Candidate Upset With ICANN CEO by Michele Neylon Republican senator and US presidential candidate Ted Cruz is not very happy with ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade. In a letter dated today, Cruz along with two other senators, have dropped some pointed questions for Chehade in relation to his involvement with a recent meeting in China... "As you must know, the World Internet Conference is not a beacon of free speech..." < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20160204_republican_presidential_candidate_up set_with_icann_ceo/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20160204_republican_presidential_candidate_ups et_with_icann_ceo/> Cruz missile slams into DNS overlord ICANN over Chinese censorship US Senator Ted Cruz has accused the head of domain name overseer ICANN of being complicit in Chinese online censorship. < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/04/cruz_questions_icann_chinese_censor ship_role/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/04/cruz_questions_icann_chinese_censors hip_role/> ********************** ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** be: Social media and domain names: no love-hate relationship Social media AND domain names, two communication tools that can go together easily. That is what we at DNS Belgium think, in any event. We have long been convinced of the utility of having both. For the non-believers, we would like to go over the advantages as well as the disadvantages, without making the case for domain names. < <http://www.dnsbelgium.be/en/news/social-media-and-domain-names-no-love-hate -relationship> http://www.dnsbelgium.be/en/news/social-media-and-domain-names-no-love-hate- relationship> .CA team is recognized as a top employer in the National Capital Region Today the editors of Canada's Top 100 Employers announced the CIRA, operators of the .CA domain, has been ranked as a top employer in Ottawa for a second year. < <https://cira.ca/news/ca-team-recognized-top-employer-national-capital-regio n> https://cira.ca/news/ca-team-recognized-top-employer-national-capital-region > .ch domain in sound health and data as new currency This year??s Domain pulse conference brought together Internet experts and opinion leaders to discuss the topics of online surveillance, security and governance. Switzerland is playing a pioneering role with its secure .ch domain and legislation on dealing with malware. < <http://www.switch.ch/news/domainpulse/> http://www.switch.ch/news/domainpulse/> China Domain Name Industry Conference 2016 Wrapped up On January 20, China Domain Name Industry Conference 2016 was held in Guangzhou. Delegates from over 80 domain name registries and domain name registrars including Xinnet Digital, Aliyun, Zodiac and Afilias attended the conference, Pei Wei??Head of the Internet Division of the Information Communication Management Bureau at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) , Li Xiaodong, Director of CNNIC attended and addressed the conference. < <http://www1.cnnic.cn/AU/MediaC/rdxw/2015n/201602/t20160201_53344.htm> http://www1.cnnic.cn/AU/MediaC/rdxw/2015n/201602/t20160201_53344.htm> CZ.NIC Publications releases a comic book inspired by the popular How to Use the Internet series Computer passwords, the risks of using public computers, Internet history, and nine other interesting topics now can be found in a comic book, which under a free license complemented the CZ.NIC Publications series of books of the Czech national domain administrator. < <http://www.nic.cz/page/3155/cz.nic-publications-releases-a-comic-book-inspi red-by-the-popular-how-to-use-the-internet-series-/> http://www.nic.cz/page/3155/cz.nic-publications-releases-a-comic-book-inspir ed-by-the-popular-how-to-use-the-internet-series-/> eu: Q4 2015 progress report now available The latest progress report from the .eu registry, EURid, has shown that during Q4 2015, the number of .eu registrations increased by 7 937 domain names, a net increase of 0.2%, to 3.87 million. < <http://www.eurid.eu/en/news/feb-2016/q4-2015-progress-report-now-available> http://www.eurid.eu/en/news/feb-2016/q4-2015-progress-report-now-available> Number of .eu registrations up 8,000 in Q4 to 3.87 mln The number of .eu registrations increased by 7,937 domain names, a net increase of 0.2 percent, to 3.87 million in Q4 2015, according to a report from the .eu registry, EURid. < <http://www.telecompaper.com/news/number-of-eu-registrations-up-8000-in-q4-t o-387-mln--1126561> http://www.telecompaper.com/news/number-of-eu-registrations-up-8000-in-q4-to -387-mln--1126561> fi: Registrars must make sure that domain names are correctly linked to their user account The latest newsletter 1/2016 contains instructions for future registrars to move their customers from the old domain name system to the new one. To guarantee a smooth transition, registrars' customers must be linked to their accounts by 5 September 2016. < <https://domain.fi/info/en/index/tietoa/ajankohtaista/2016/P_2.html> https://domain.fi/info/en/index/tietoa/ajankohtaista/2016/P_2.html> fr: Afnic joins Arcep in its assignment to determine the state of deployment of IPv6 Afnic will be closely associated with the assignment to determine the state of deployment of IPv6 that was entrusted early in January to ARCEP by Axelle Lemaire. < <http://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/9646/show/afnic-joins- arcep-in-its-assignment-to-determine-the-state-of-deployment-of-ipv6-2.html> http://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/9646/show/afnic-joins-a rcep-in-its-assignment-to-determine-the-state-of-deployment-of-ipv6-2.html> Why Aren??t More IE Domains Registered? The IEDR have published some details on .ie domain name registrations during 2015. < <http://blog.blacknight.com/who-registered-ie-domains-in-2015.html> http://blog.blacknight.com/who-registered-ie-domains-in-2015.html> Almost 100 .ie domains registered every day in 2015 35,225 new .ie domains were registered in 2015, or 96 a day, a 13% increase on 2014 and the highest annual number since 2011. < <https://www.iedr.ie/2016/02/almost-100-ie-domains-registered-every-day-in-2 015/> https://www.iedr.ie/2016/02/almost-100-ie-domains-registered-every-day-in-20 15/> .Law Gets 5K Registrations in 1st 90 days: We Break Down The Numbers According to a press release out today, Minds + Machines Group Limited, the owner of the new ".law" and .abogado (Lawyer in Spanish) TLDs, "announced that .law has successfully completed its first 90 days since general availability having fulfilled more than 5,000 verified registrations, with over 700 premium names including numerous domains which have sold for $100,000. < <http://www.thedomains.com/2016/02/04/law/> http://www.thedomains.com/2016/02/04/law/> nl: Warning: phishing mail claiming to be from SIDN A number of our clients, including registrars and registrants, have told us about e-mail messages they have received with the subject 'URGENT: Aanmaning voor uw telefoonnummer' ('URGENT: Demand for payment for your phone number!') or 'Aandacht: Aanmaning van uw openstaande factuur bij SIDN' ('Urgent: Demand for payment of your outstanding SIDN invoice'). Recipients are asked to immediately pay an outstanding sum for creating a phone number in SIDN's database. Please note that these e-mails do not come from SIDN and you should definitely not do what the message demands. < <https://www.sidn.nl/a/about-sidn/warning-phishing-mail-claiming-to-be-from- sidn> https://www.sidn.nl/a/about-sidn/warning-phishing-mail-claiming-to-be-from-s idn> nl: 9 February: Safer Internet Day Tuesday 9 February is Safer Internet Day! Safer Internet Day is an annual event held on the second Tuesday of February, when more than a hundred countries around the world highlight the topic of safe and responsible internet use by young people. < <https://www.sidn.nl/a/about-sidn/9-february-safer-internet-day> https://www.sidn.nl/a/about-sidn/9-february-safer-internet-day> nz: Amendment to Operations and Procedures Policy In November 2015 a revised .nz policy framework took effect which saw the number of main .nz policies reduced to four. One of these was the OP policy which sets out the operations and procedures that apply to the running of the .nz domain name space. We have now realised that due to an administrative error, an aspect of this policy was omitted when it was put into effect on 9 November 2015. < <http://dnc.org.nz/story/amendment-operations-and-procedures-op-policy> http://dnc.org.nz/story/amendment-operations-and-procedures-op-policy> Runet??s self-regulation and information security ?C main trends of 2016 ROCIT has become the fifth competent organization to cooperate with the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.???? in countering illegal content. The two organizations signed an agreement on revealing and blocking resources spreading illegal content at the February 3 news conference, ??Safe Internet.?? < <http://cctld.ru/en/news/news_detail.php?ID=9358> http://cctld.ru/en/news/news_detail.php?ID=9358> uk: Nominet Publish Lyons Report And Board Response Nominet have published the Lyons report. The report was prepared by Sir Michael Lyons at Nominet??s request to investigate the registry??s operations. < <http://www.internetnews.me/2016/02/04/nominet-publish-lyons-report-and-boar d-response/> http://www.internetnews.me/2016/02/04/nominet-publish-lyons-report-and-board -response/> uk: Nominet urged to improve stakeholder engagement Nominet has been urged to improve its engagement with stakeholders and to clarify its public purpose, in a report completed by former BBC chairman Sir Michael Lyons. < <http://www.trademarksandbrandsonline.com/news/nominet-urged-to-improve-stak eholder-engagement-4614> http://www.trademarksandbrandsonline.com/news/nominet-urged-to-improve-stake holder-engagement-4614> ********************** NEW TLDS ********************** New gTLD Registrations Pass 12 Million, .XYZ and Donuts Pass 2 Million The total number of domain names registered across all of the new gTLDs continues to grow strongly with the 12 millionth registration happening around 4 February according to nTLDstats.com. And the .xyz gTLD accounts for around one in six, or 2.099 million, of these. < <http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24478> http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24478> < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/08/new-gtld-registrations-12m-xyz-2m/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/08/new-gtld-registrations-12m-xyz-2m/> Donuts Handles Two Millionth Domain Name Registration Donuts Inc. has processed its two millionth first-time new domain name registration. The name??Schedule.HOLIDAY??was registered this week. < <http://www.donuts.domains/donuts-media/blog/donuts-handles-two-millionth-do main-name-registration> http://www.donuts.domains/donuts-media/blog/donuts-handles-two-millionth-dom ain-name-registration> ICANN Controversially Rejects .GAY Community Application Again ICANN has rejected the community application for .gay by dotgay LLC again because it wasn??t deemed to be community enough. The application has been through the Community Priority Evaluation and reconsideration processes twice. < <http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24470> http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24470> < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/04/icann-rejects-gay-community-applicati on/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2016/02/04/icann-rejects-gay-community-applicatio n/> ********************** DNS SECURITY ********************** Key ways to defend against phishing in 2016 The biggest security threat to companies right now is phishing. Phishing was traditionally a problem for the banking and finance industries, but now it?? s a growing threat in other sectors like retail, media, and government. < <http://www.digitalbrandinsider.com/key-ways-to-defend-against-phishing-in-2 016/> http://www.digitalbrandinsider.com/key-ways-to-defend-against-phishing-in-20 16/> DDoS as a Smokescreen for Fraud and Theft There??s nothing subtle about a DDoS attack. Your incident response console is lit up like a Christmas tree. Alarms are going off indicating that your network is down or severely disrupted. System users and managers are sending you panicky messages that business has ground to a halt. Meanwhile your mind is racing: Who would do this to us? Some kind of cyber extortionist? An unsavory competitor? Hactivitists trying to send a message? < <http://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/insight/ddos-as-a-smokescreen-for-fraud-a nd-theft/> http://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/insight/ddos-as-a-smokescreen-for-fraud-an d-theft/> In the Crosshairs: Would Hacktivists Target You with a DDoS Attack? Hacktivists from Anonymous recently took down the websites of the Nissan car company with a DDoS attack in protest of Japanese whaling. While Nissan has nothing to do with whaling, they happen to be a big brand and Japanese, which was enough to make them a target. < <http://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/insight/in-the-crosshairs-would-hacktivis ts-target-you-with-a-ddos-attack/> http://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/insight/in-the-crosshairs-would-hacktivist s-target-you-with-a-ddos-attack/> Russian Cyber Security Forum to take place on Safer Internet Day Cyber Security Forum\i-SAFETY, an international forum on the security of digital technology and digital environment, as part of the Safer Runet Week, will be held on February 9 with the broad participation of Russian and international experts. < <http://cctld.ru/en/news/news_detail.php?ID=9360> http://cctld.ru/en/news/news_detail.php?ID=9360> How to Choose a Cyber Threat Intelligence Provider Throughout the course of my career I??ve been blessed to work with some of the most talented folks in the security and cyber threat intelligence mission space to create a variety of different capabilities in the public, private and commercial sectors. Before I came to lead the Verisign iDefense team about five years ago, I had to evaluate external cyber-intelligence vendors to complement and expand the enterprise capabilities of my former organization. < <http://blogs.verisign.com/blog/entry/how_to_choose_a_cyber> http://blogs. verisign.com/blog/entry/how_to_choose_a_cyber> Kaspersky Security Bulletin. Spam and phishing in 2015 < <https://securelist.com/analysis/kaspersky-security-bulletin/73591/kaspersky -security-bulletin-spam-and-phishing-in-2015/> https://securelist.com/analysis/kaspersky-security-bulletin/73591/kaspersky- security-bulletin-spam-and-phishing-in-2015/> How to Choose a Cyber Threat Intelligence Provider by Josh Ray Throughout the course of my career I've been blessed to work with some of the most talented folks in the security and cyber threat intelligence (CTI) mission space to create a variety of different capabilities in the public, private and commercial sectors. Before I came to lead the Verisign iDefense team about five years ago, I had to evaluate external cyber-intelligence vendors to complement and expand the enterprise capabilities of my former organization. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20160204_how_to_choose_a_cyber_threat_intelli gence_provider/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20160204_how_to_choose_a_cyber_threat_intellig ence_provider/> Cybersecurity Smackdown: What Side Are You On? Analytics vs. Encryption. Prevention vs. Detection. Machine Learning: Promise or Hype? The Firewall: Dead or Still Breathing? The sharpest minds in the security industry debate some of the industry's most contentious issues. < <http://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/cybersecurity-smackdown-what-side-are-y ou-on/a/d-id/1324208> http://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/cybersecurity-smackdown-what-side-are-yo u-on/a/d-id/1324208> ********************** DOMAIN DISPUTES & SEIZURES ********************** Final RPM Report Follows ICA Comment and Sets Stage for UDRP Review b Philip Corwin Domain registrants have long voiced their desire for a comprehensive review and subsequent reforms of the UDRP. That goal is now in sight, and is set to proceed in the manner recommended to ICANN by ICA. < <http://www.internetcommerce.org/final-rpm-report/> http://www.internetcommerce.org/final-rpm-report/> URS versus UDRP proceedings - choosing the right forum In 2013 ICANN contracted with third-party service providers to adjudicate ??clear and convincing?? cases of domain name abuse through the newly established URS programme. Experiences with this new rights protection mechanism established for and applicable to all new gTLDs have been mixed. < <http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=a6ff0def-f4bd-484f-9806-deef0 a2318a3> http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=a6ff0def-f4bd-484f-9806-deef0a 2318a3> IOC Legal Action To Secure 2024 Olympic Bid Internet Domain Names Seen As Affront To Free Speech With just days to go until the International Olympic Committee deadline for 2024 Olympic bid cities to submit the first set of formal bid application documents, the IOC is flexing its muscle to control Internet domain names that may relate to those bids, and others in the future. < <http://gamesbids.com/eng/other-news/ioc-legal-action-to-secure-2024-olympic -bid-internet-domain-names-seen-as-affront-to-free-speech/> http://gamesbids.com/eng/other-news/ioc-legal-action-to-secure-2024-olympic- bid-internet-domain-names-seen-as-affront-to-free-speech/> Powerless over earlier .HK domain name The dismissal of a complaint brought under the Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy for .hk domain names highlighted the importance of adducing sufficient evidence to back up assertions of bad faith. This is especially so when the disputed domain name was registered before the complainant had acquired rights in the relevant trade mark. < <http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f77f80aa-120c-47e6-92d5-e281a 49b15cf> http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f77f80aa-120c-47e6-92d5-e281a4 9b15cf> MPAA Takes Over Popcorn Time Domain The MPAA is now the owner of Popcorntime.io, the domain name which was the home of the most used Popcorn Time fork up until last November. The change of ownership suggests that the Hollywood group reached a settlement with one of the key developers, but has yet to comment on the recent developments. < <https://torrentfreak.com/mpaa-takes-over-popcorn-time-domain-160204/> https://torrentfreak.com/mpaa-takes-over-popcorn-time-domain-160204/> Registrant??s pay-per-click domain is bad faith [registration] A domain name dispute resolved on December 2 1015 involved the ownership of the domain name ??behr.ca??. Complainant Behr Process Corporation sought an order that the domain name be transferred to it. Complainant Behr manufactures interior house paints, exterior house paints, decorative finishes, primers, stains and surface preparation products. < <http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/daily/detail.aspx?g=6abd0165-6d73-41af- 8e86-f00c32909f97> http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/daily/detail.aspx?g=6abd0165-6d73-41af-8 e86-f00c32909f97> ********************** REGISTRAR NEWS ********************** CentralNic co-founder retires from Board, Instra CEO joins Domain name registrar and new TLD registry CentralNic announced two changes to its board today. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2016/02/05/centralnic-board-instra/> http://domainnamewire.com/2016/02/05/centralnic-board-instra/> eu: Notice of termination of registrar agreements Please note that as of 1 February 2016, the EURid Registrar Accreditation agreement with the following registrars has been terminated: < <http://www.eurid.eu/en/news/feb-2016/notice-termination-registrar-agreement s> http://www.eurid.eu/en/news/feb-2016/notice-termination-registrar-agreements > Uniregistry Adds Domain Name Industry Veterans To Registrar Team [news release] Uniregistry, a domain name registrar, is proud to announce the hiring of two domain name industry veterans to its team. Effective immediately, Sam Tseng and Alan Crowe are joining Uniregistry's registrar team as account executives, where they will have a key role in growing the company's registrar business. < <http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/uniregistry-adds-domain-name-indu stry-veterans-to-registrar-team-567692431.html> http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/uniregistry-adds-domain-name-indus try-veterans-to-registrar-team-567692431.html> ********************** IPv4/IPv6 ********************** Smart Cities Love IPv6 by Adam Gosling I recently attended a Forum on Internet of Things in Smart Sustainable Cities: A New Age of Smarter Living staged in Singapore on 18 January 2016. The public forum provided a contextual overview to the second meeting of the ITU Study Group 20: IoT and its applications including Smart Cities and Communities which took place back-to-back with the Forum. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20160204_smart_cities_love_ipv6/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20160204_smart_cities_love_ipv6/> ********************** MISCELLANEOUS ********************** What can Brands learn from the Domain Industry? January saw the third NamesCon conference take place in Las Vegas, an event that over the last couple of years has become the focal point for the Domain Industry, regulators and those with involvement in the domain space to get together and both learn and shape how the industry is evolving. < <http://www.netnames.com/blog/2016/02/what-can-brands-learn-from-the-domain- industry/> http://www.netnames.com/blog/2016/02/what-can-brands-learn-from-the-domain-i ndustry/> 3 Strategies from the Domain Name Industry That Can Help Entrepreneurs by Jeff Sass ... Owning a TLD is like being an exclusive manufacturer of a one-of-a-kind product. As the registry, owners get paid for every registered domain name ending in their TLD. They are responsible for the technical maintenance that keeps our domain space secure and functional while allowing accredited registrars, such as GoDaddy, to sell domain names on their behalf. < <http://tech.co/strategies-domain-name-industry-entrepreneurs-2016-02> http://tech.co/strategies-domain-name-industry-entrepreneurs-2016-02> Pritz joins Allegravita and other industry movements It??s been a busy week in the domain industry for executive changes. Today, we hear that senior ICANN alum Kurt Pritz has joined Chinese domain marketing specialist Allegravita as a ??new partner??. < <http://domainincite.com/19952-pritz-joins-allegravita-and-other-industry-mo vements> http://domainincite.com/19952-pritz-joins-allegravita-and-other-industry-mov ements> Kurt Pritz joins Allegravita Kurt Pritz has joined Allegravita, a consulting firm led by Simon Cousins that helps companies in the Chinese market. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2016/02/04/kurt-pritz-allegravita/> http://domainnamewire.com/2016/02/04/kurt-pritz-allegravita/> Inside China Specialist Allegravita's New Partnership with Former ICANN CSO Kurt Pritz On Thursday (Feb. 4, 2016) Allegravita, well-known strategic advisors to companies who want to do business in China, announced a new partnership with the highly regarded former Chief Strategy Officer at ICANN, Kurt Pritz, who during his time there was regarded as the "point man" for ICANN's ambitious new gTLD program. After leaving ICANN in 2012 Pritz remained in the industry as Executive Director of the Domain Name Association until he resigned from that post this past October. < <http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2016/dailyposts/20160205.htm> http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2016/dailyposts/20160205.htm> DeviceAtlas Brings Device Awareness To HAProxy DeviceAtlas(r), the market leader for device detection software, today announced the immediate availability of its device detection capabilities within HAProxy, the world??s most widely used load balancing and proxying solution. < <http://www.afilias.info/news/2016/02/01/deviceatlas-brings-device-awareness -haproxy> http://www.afilias.info/news/2016/02/01/deviceatlas-brings-device-awareness- haproxy> Neustar Reports Results for Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2015 Neustar, Inc. ... announced results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2015 and affirmed guidance for full-year 2016. < <https://www.neustar.biz/about-us/news-room/press-releases/2016/neustar-repo rts-results-for-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2015> https://www.neustar.biz/about-us/news-room/press-releases/2016/neustar-repor ts-results-for-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2015> ********************** WEBHOSTING ********************** EU-US Privacy Shield and its Impact on Small and Mid-Sized Hosting Providers In an interview with the WHIR, David Snead, i2Coalition board chair and chair of the public policy group said that the Privacy Shield agreement is a ??really good start?? but that there are still more details that need to be ironed out. < <http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/eu-us-privacy-shield-and-its-impact -on-small-and-mid-sized-hosting-providers> http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/eu-us-privacy-shield-and-its-impact- on-small-and-mid-sized-hosting-providers> Most Reliable Hosting Company Sites in January 2016 With just a single failed request, Datapipe had the most reliable hosting company site in January. It featured in the top ten for all but one month in 2015 and last topped the table in July. < <http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2016/02/02/most-reliable-hosting-company- sites-in-january-2016.html> http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2016/02/02/most-reliable-hosting-company-s ites-in-january-2016.html> ********************** DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio get ??Domain Name Bump?? after Iowa Interest in domain names related to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio increase after vote in Iowa. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2016/02/04/ted-cruz-marco-rubio-get-domain-name-b ump-after-iowa/> http://domainnamewire.com/2016/02/04/ted-cruz-marco-rubio-get-domain-name-bu mp-after-iowa/> 3-Letter .Com Brings $235,000 to Top This Week's Sales Chart - Big Australian ccTLD Sale is #2 The New Year has just gotten started but an old favorite continues to create the biggest sales. 3-letter .coms went ballistic in 2015 and yet another one tops this week's all extension Top 20 Sales Chart after BGI.com changed hands for $235,000 in a private transaction. In addition to our latest weekly chart we also just published our first Year to Date Top Sales Chart of 2016 and four of the top five sales on that list are 3-letter .coms. < <http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2016/20160203.htm> http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2016/20160203.htm> ------ David Goldstein email: <mailto:david at goldsteinreport.com> david at goldsteinreport.com web: <http://goldsteinreport.com/> http://goldsteinreport.com/ Twitter: <https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport> https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9663 3430 - office/home "Every time you use fossil fuels, you're adding to the problem. Every time you forgo fossil fuels, you're being part of the solution" - Dr Tim Flannery -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.cynosure.com.au/mailman/private/dns/attachments/20160208/0f2b1f12/attachment-0001.html>Received on Mon Feb 08 2016 - 04:05:35 UTC
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