Re: DNS: What is the current status of applications

Re: DNS: What is the current status of applications

From: David Hopkins <dna_applications§>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 17:43:48 +1000
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: DNS: What is the current status of applications
> Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 10:06:45 +1100 (EST)
> From: Robert Hart <hartr&#167;interweft>,§interweft,§,
> Reply-To: dns&#167;
> To: dns&#167;
> CC: Adam Neat <adamneat&#167;>
> Hi
> As I currently have a application pending, I have a particular
> vested interest in exactly what the status of *current* domain name
> applications is.
> I have read the Melbourne IT documents and they seem to imply that the
> Melbourne IT service is already active (although there is nothing that
> says it is).
> If the Melbourne IT arrangements are active, when did they become so. I
> have been waiting for my domain name registration to be completed for
> nearly 3 weeks now...
> Can someone who *really* knows what is going on please advise what the
> current state of play is?
> Thanks (a confused and frustrated domain name applicant).
> Robert Hart                                  iweft&#167;
> Voice: +61 (0)3 9735 3586
> InterWeft, 35 Summit Road, Lilydale, Victoria 3140, Australia
>         IT, data and voice networking Consultancy
>         Strategic IT business planning
>         Internet planning, implementation, security and configuration
The Melbourne IT COM.AU Bureau began commercial operations on the 1
November last, although the Bureau was operating before then making a
large impression on clearing the backlog queue.
Unfortunately I cannot give you any status on your pending domain name
as you did not provide it, although we shall be happy to do so if you
send a response to this message.
Hope this helps.

David Hopkins
Manager COM.AU DNA Bureau
Melbourne Information Technologies Australia Pty Ltd ACN 073 716 793
Level 3, 207 Bouverie St, Carlton Vic., Australia 3053
Home page :
Received on Mon Nov 11 1996 - 21:14:30 UTC

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