RE: [DNS] Peter has left the building

RE: [DNS] Peter has left the building

From: Dassa <dassa§>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 01:53:17 +1100
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Patrick Corliss [mailto:patrick&#167;] 
|> Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 10:18 PM
|> To: Dassa
|> Cc: [dns]
|> Subject: Re: [DNS] Peter has left the building
|> On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 20:45:22 +1100, Dassa wrote:
|> Subject: RE: [DNS] Peter has left the building
|> Hi Dassa
|> > I see you are still up to your old tricks of sending a personal
copy and
|> > posting to the mailing list.  As you know, I dislike getting
|> > copies.  Desist such posting styles with respect to me.
|> As I have said you can use your filters if it bothers you.

I can always filter your posts Patrick.  I don't find them that
enlightening that I need to read any of them.  But I do try to be polite
and respond to others wishes, something you may benefit from following.

As you have now unsubscribed to the list I will send a copy to your
personal address. 

|> > The post was made without any comment at all.  The sentence you are
|> > referring to is not a comment but informational and was in a follow
|> > post.
|> Rot.  A comment is a comment is a comment.

Not rot at all, for someone with your stated education and background
you seem to have some trouble with a few definitions within context.
But be that as it may, it is of no interest to me although I'm sure it
is to the people who made the bet.

|> > Interesting that you consider my comments as offensive and baiting
|> > you do not make comment on Peter calling me a trouble  maker and
|> > mischievious.  You will note, I did not call Peter any names or
|> > any offensive labels to his person.
|> More rot.  You suggested Peter was "petulant" and "unprofessional".

I stated I considered his behaviour in unsubscribing was IMHO petulant
and that I had some doubts as to his professionalism.  Fair comment I
would say given his last few posts.  I did not call him any names.
There is a big difference.  But you ignored his comments and focused on
mine, why?  It was not me who introduced the personal element.

|> > As mentioned, it is a facet of professionalism to be delibeerate
|> > consider carefully all actions and posts.  I agree it is easy to
|> > upset over some posts.  The professional will recognise and deal
|> > such matters.
|> As I do here by unsubscribing myself.  Over to you Dassa.  
|> I'm much more interested in doing some work that with debating
|> with Dassa Lynch.

No that is not a professional approach.  How is ignoring an issue of any
benefit to anyone.  You unsubscribed due to your own agenda as has
Peter.  Nothing to do with the list behaviour or any professional
interest.  At the most, it is to protect yourself and not AuDA or the
mailing list.

Normally I wouldn't continue with a discussion such as this on the
mailing list but as you are a Director of AuDA, I do consider it on

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

BTW...I'm not out to get you Patrick or anyone else, nor am I
participating on this list to be disruptive.  However, it is my right to
state my opinions and respond to comments about myself.
Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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